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Call for Session Chairs for ISTS Symposium43

We are working to put together a great program for the 43rd International Sea Turtle Society Symposium to be held next year in Accra, Ghana ( and we are gathering names of those of you who would be willing to serve as session chairs. Please respond to me ( with your interest and availability. Please also indicate which session you are most interested in chairing and if you plan on attending the ISTS in person. 

Session chairs should be prepared to commit several hours and fast-paced days (with quick response times) between 15th November and 15th December to review abstracts, and then during the month of January to put the program together. In-person attendance at ISTS Symposium43 (22nd to 27th March 2025) will be helpful for introducing talks, meeting with authors etc.

Thank you so much for your consideration,

Phil on behalf of Program Chairs Phil Allman, Liliana Colman, Kate Levasseur, and Katrina Phillips.