Innovation Grant Program

The ISTS Innovation Grants Program facilitates the development of new tools and resources that will help ISTS members and the broader sea turtle community mitigate threats to sea turtles and address their conservation needs. Outcomes of the Innovation Grants Program will help achieve the ISTS vision of globally robust populations of sea turtles fulfilling their ecological roles within a healthy environment, in harmonious coexistence with all Peoples.

The program has a total of US $ 6,000 for grants of up to US $ 2,000 each to support projects aimed at developing practical tools, resources, and approaches that will address threats and conservation needs of sea turtles. Supporting projects that might not be funded by other grants programs and building capacity for local initiatives are also major aims of the program.

The program is currently open and will close for applications on 31st August 2024. Note that only proposals submitted by current ISTS members will be accepted.

Previous Innovation Grant Awardees

  • Mohsen Rezaie-Atagholipour: Producing motion graphics with Farsi narration to advise Iranian people on what to do if they encounter Sea Turtles
  • Sarah Maria Vargas: Initiatives for the inclusion of the deaf community in the largest Sea Turtle conservation program in Brazil
  • Gabriella Carvajal: Development of a Simple Assay as a Sex Identification Tool for Sea Turtle Hatchlings
  • Ashleigh Bandimere: Online Course: Designing Behavior Change Strategies for Sea Turtle Conservation